In the past we reviewed one of Andy Freeberg series (The Guardians) in conceptual photography in museums. Since then Andy pushed the concept even further with in his Art Fair series, shooting Art Fairs and capturing perfectly selected passerbyers as an extension to the art piece. His last body of work Art Gallery Desk (Sentry)(...) Read More about Andy Freeberg Photography (45 words)
Here is another talented Portuguese this week, the Lisbon based Margarida Girão has some nice creative mixed mediacollages in her portfolio. If you like these kind of collages, than you should love her work.
Last week, Native Son debuted a new film at NYC fashion week, The Track. The Train. The Traveler. Equal parts video art and social experiment, it’s a 15-minute piece focused on three subjects (a carpenter, an artist, and a filmmaker) creating a collaborative artwork while sealed in a 10-by-16-foot room for a total of 36 straight hours. It’s a commentary on the social and creative process of creating an idea or environment that others have to inhabit.
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